Mac football title game broadcast

Live college football scores and postgame recaps. Feb 26, 2020 MAC football schedules: Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Western Michigan 2020 opponents. The conference's title game will be either Dec. 4 or 5 at Ford Field. The exact date and time will.

The 2018 MAC Championship Game is set. The Northern Illinois Huskies will take on the Buffalo Bulls on Friday, Nov. 30 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan.

Mac Football Title Game

The Northern Illinois Huskies clinched the West Division title of the Mid-American Conference with a 6-2 record, which was one game ahead of Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and Toledo. NIU won the MAC Championship Game in 2011, 2012, and 2014 and made their last appearance in the game in 2015.

Buffalo finished 7-1 in the MAC’s East Division, just ahead of Miami and Ohio, which both posted 6-2 records. The Bulls won their first and only MAC Championship back in 2008 over Ball State, 42-24.


In their most recent meeting last season, NIU went on the road and defeated Buffalo 14-13. The Huskies lead the overall series with the Bulls 11-1.

Mac Football Games Today

In his latest bowl projections, Stadium’s Brett McMurphy has Northern Illinois facing Troy in the Dollar General Bowl and Buffalo taking on Georgia Southern in the Camellia Bowl.

National Football Title Game

MAC Championship Game

  • Matchup: NIU vs. Buffalo
  • Date: Friday, Nov. 30, 2018
  • Time: 7:00pm ET
  • TV: ESPN2
  • Crew: Clay Matvick, Dan Orlovsky, and Paul Carcaterra

Mac Football Title Game 2020

Football Schedules