Free card games for Mac OS X (Belote, Bridge, Minibridge, Elevator Whist, President) to play against the computer with no need to register. Programs for Windows that run with Darwine (free program you need to install separately). Official site of Bel Atout, SimiliBridge, Far Whist and Élysée. For PC (all Windows), Linux, Mac OS X. |
Oct 14, 2016 If Bridge is good enough for a President, it’s probably good enough for the rest of us! -While the average age of a competitive U.S. Bridge player is 71, don’t let that intimidate you! The classic card game is enjoyed globally by people of all ages and generations! Snow Leopard (10.6) Mountain Lion (10.8) Mavericks (10.9) Yosemite (10.10) El Capitan (10.11) High Sierra (10.13) Catalina (10.15) This list contains 2430 video game titles released for Classic Mac OS (1 through 9.2.2) and MacOS (MacOS X). This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
, and therefore in principle they can run only with this operating system. However, some inspired programmers have written a program called WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator) which, as the name indicates, is not a Windows emulator but allows to run Windows applications on a different operating system.If you have a Mac with an Intel processor and the Mac OS X Tiger or Leopard system, the DARWINE variant is the one you need. It is a free program that can make Bel Atout, SimiliBridge, Élysée and Far Whist run on your Mac, in the following way:
Belote | belatout590emac.exe 2.58 MB |
Bridge | similibridge391emac.exe 3.71 MB |
President | elysee490emac.exe 1.76 MB |
Elevator Whist | farwhist170emac.exe 1.77 MB |
Belote | BelAtout_SoundsVoices102.exe 3.08 MB |
Bridge | SimiliBridge_SoundsVoices102.exe 4.28 MB |
President | Elysee_Sounds102.exe 1.56 MB |
Elevator Whist | FarWhist_Sounds100.exe 1.51 MB |
Belote | BelAtout_Icon1.gif (1 KB) BelAtout_Icon2.gif (2 KB) | To download the image, use the right click and the Save image to Downloads menu |
Bridge | SimiliBridge_Icon1.gif (1 KB) SimiliBridge_Icon2.gif (2 KB) | |
President | Elysee_Icon1.gif (2 KB) Elysee_Icon2.gif (2 KB) | |
Whist Ascenseur | FarWhist_Icon1.gif (2 KB) FarWhist_Icon2.gif (3 KB) |
1. Install X11 (optional tool of your Mac OS X install disk)
To begin with, check whether X11 is already installed. From the Finder, select :
- Go
- Utilities
Scroll down the window. In the last applications, there should be the X11 icon. If you can see X11, skip directly to step 2.
If X11 is not installed, insert the Mac OS X Install disk 1, and :
- Wait a few seconds
- Double-click the Optional Installs folder
- Double-click the Optional installs.mpkg package
- Click Continue
- Click Continue a second time
- Click Agree (software licence agreement)
- Click the arrow in front of Applications (to expand)
- Check the X11 box
- Click Continue
- Click Install
- Type your password (you must be the computer's administrator)
- Click OK (the installation takes about 1 minute)
- Click Close
- Close all windows
- Eject your install CD and put it away
If you have managed to do that, you are on the right track!
Mac OS X starting from YosemiteIn the last versions of Mac OS X (Yosemite, El Capitan), the X11 program is no longer included. The XQuartz project was created by Apple as a community effort to allow old programs (like Darwine) to run on Mac OS X by using the same X11 libraries. So, you just have to install XQuartz, and then you'll get the X11 icon in your Utilities folder, as if X11 was installed.
The latest version of XQuartz is available here:
More information about the XQuartz project are available here:
Unfortunately, several users report problems with XQuartz. When they launch Darwine (and other programs), the message 'Unable to locate Make sure X11 has been installed' is displayed every time, as if X11 couldn't be located. There might be something to change in the settings. Some people have found a solution by typing 'sudo' lines in the Terminal window. But it's often too complicated for the average user. Thanks to let me know about your own installation, so I can help those who can't make Darwine work.
Try Wineskin
If X11 cannot be located by your Mac, do some research about the free program called Wineskin. This one uses Wine and allows you to create 'wrappers' around each of your Windows applications, so they can run on OS versions like Mavericks or Sierra. Several users managed to launch their .exe programs in this way. It's a solution that requires to strictly follow the procedure described by various sites. The official site of the program is:
2. Download the DARWINE program and install it
This step is not required if you have already downloaded and installed Darwine. Once is enough for running all the Windows applications you want. It is only when a new version of Darwine is available that you need to do the installation again.
To download DARWINE (free) :
- Click Darwine 0.9.60.dmg (25.1 MB - from 2 to 5 minutes according to your connection)
Then, go to your Downloads folder, and :
- Double-click Darwine 0.9.60.dmg
- Double-click Darwine 0.9.60
- Click Continue three times
- Click Agree (software licence agreement)
- Click Install
- Type your password (you must be the computer's administrator)
- Click OK (the installation takes less than 1 minute)
- Click Close
- Close all windows
- Eject the Darwine 0.9.60 icon from your desktop
If everything went smoothly, you are a champion!
Advanced users
This installation has created a new folder called Darwine in your Applications folder. There, you will find the WineHelper program, several Windows applications given as examples, as well as the configuration program called winecfg.exe.
3. Download and install the Mac version of your favourite card game
An example is shown with Bel Atout, but the procedure is the same for the 4 games. Click the belatout590emac.exe link given above, and download the program. Then, open your Downloads folder and :
- Double-click belatout590emac.exe
- Welcome window : Click Next
- Information window : Click Next
- Select destination location : Click Next
Advanced users
The default installation folder is called : Z:ApplicationsCard gamesBel Atout
Actually, it is your Applications folder that Darwine writes differently for internal requirements. You can change this path with the Browse button. Then, you should know that the Program Files folder is located in drive_c. Still, this folder is not really advisable as it is not easy to access (hidden folder).
- Creating a desktop icon : Click Next
- Click Install (less than 30 seconds)
- Click Finish
The Wine Log window is probably open. You'll have to get used to it, for it opens each time Darwine launches a Windows application, and it doesn't close automatically. So, close all the open windows.
If you've gone through this step, you may not think it but you have already run on your Mac a program written for Windows. What a performance!
4. Download and install the sounds and voices that go with the program
Only the sounds in the Wav format seem to be heard properly with this version of Darwine. This is why you also need to download them. They are not included in the basic version, so as not to make the package too big. But once you have installed them, you won't have to do it again for the next versions of your program.
Beware, you must have first of all installed the program (step 3) so that the installer finds the right installation folder.
An example is shown with Bel Atout, but the procedure is the same for the 4 games. Click the BelAtout_SoundsVoices102.exe link given above, and download the file. Then, open your Downloads folder and :
- Double-click BelAtout_SoundsVoices102.exe
- Welcome window : Click Next
- Information window : Click Next
- Click Install (less than 30 seconds)
- Click Finish
- Close all the open windows...
And that's it! Your program is installed. There must be an icon on the desktop, which is always the same one used by Wine (as the Windows icons are not in the right format). But you can change it at step 5.
5. Download and change the program icon as you like
I've not yet learnt how to create an icon in the Mac OS X format, but here is a procedure which seems to work on Leopard 10.5. No doubt that some advanced users will confirm to me that it is correct, or will help me to create an icon for all.
An example is shown with Bel Atout, but the procedure is the same for the 4 games. Click the BelAtout_icon1.gif link given above, and download the file. It is a simple image in the gif format. Then, open your Downloads folder and :
- Double-click BelAtout_icon1.gif to open the image with Preview
- Click Edit
- Click Select All
- Click Edit
- Click Copy
- Close the preview window
Now, here is the way to create an alias icon on the desktop, icon that will not be changed when installing a later version of the program :
- Right-click the Bel Atout.lnk icon of the desktop
- Click Make Alias
- Then, right-click the alias that you've just made
- Click Get Info
- Click Select New Original...
- Find the installation folder of Bel Atout
It is /Applications/Card games/Bеl Atout if you have not changed it.
- Select belatout.exe
- Click Choose
- Then, click the top left icon once
A small circle should be displayed around it, showing that it is selected.
- Press the Cmd-V key to paste the new icon image
The top left icon must then be changed.
- In the Name & Extension area, type the name you wish (e.g. : Bel Atout)
- Close the information window
That's all. You can move to trash the first icon (Bel Atout.lnk), and keep only the alias icon that you've just created. And now, any new installation will create a Wine icon that you can delete, knowing that your alias icon will not be changed any more.
Be careful, don't call it a miracle and remember that the authors of Wine and Darwine give their program with no guarantee. You must not think that all the Windows applications will run on Mac properly. It is far from being the case. First, ask the authors whether they have tested their application on Mac and Darwine, and if it can be used safely.
My four card game programs have been tested on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5. A few changes have been made in them to fix or circumvent the bugs that were found. But now, as far as I know, one can play with no problem at all.
Still, there are a few bugs not fixed yet :
Wine's site is located here :
The site where this version of Darwine was found is :
Scroll down to the end of the page, and click Next Page.
Direct link to this page (that you are free to use) :
Of course, I thank the authors of Wine and Darwine (many programmers have contributed to these programs) without whom this page would not exist. And I also thank the few enthusiast users who helped me to prepare the Mac version of my card games (without having to reprogram the whole of it!).
Feel free to report your finds (new versions of Darwine, successful installations, unknown bugs, solution tips, etc.), so that it can be of benefit to other users and help me to improve my different card game programs.
Thanks to all for your help.
Bridge is a fun and challenging game to be enjoyed by players of all ages. 247 Bridge is the perfect game for beginners and experts alike, as there are always ? buttons along the way to help you play the game if you are confused, or you can turn these off to play the expert game of bridge you know and love!
Bridge is played with one full set of cards. Four players are required for bridge (lucky for you, we've created amazing artificial intelligence so you can play any time at your computer!). Bridge is a game of partnerships, so the player across the table is your partner, and the players to the right and left are on the opposing team.
Bridge is made up of two main parts. Initially the bidding process and then the game play. Suits are ranked in Bridge from Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, to Clubs, the lowest. This is important in the bidding process and scoring. During the bidding process, players are determining how many tricks they can take with a single suit (or no suit - NT) as Trump. Trump means a card of that suit will always win the trick (if it is the highest of that trump suit played within that trick). If you bid, it is assumed your team will win 6 + the number of tricks bid. So, if you bid 1 Spade, you are saying you think your team can win 7 tricks during the hand with Spades as the trump suit. Obviously you don't know what your teammate has so there is a bit of back and forth and guessing involved, but that's where the fun is! If you don't think you can up your teammate or opponent's bid, just pass. Three passes in a row means a bid is complete and the computer will tell you who wins the bid and with what bid. Doubling is a way to let your opponent know you don't think they can win the amount of the bid they have set during the bidding process. You are upping the ante by doubling the points. A Redouble is used when an opponent doubles your partner and you Redouble, stating you definitely can win that hand with those tricks. A double or redouble is wiped from the board whenever another bid is made after it. There are many complicated ways to determine how to bid which we will not go into here, but you are welcome to research as the internet has a plethora of sites to learn from.
The game play portion of Bridge is where the hand is played out. One hand will always be flipped so you can see the cards. If your team won the bid, you will be playing your teammate's hand. Otherwise, you will see one of your opponent's hands. If your team has won the bid, the goal is to take that many tricks by playing high cards or trump cards. If your team did not win the bid, your goal is to stop the other team from meeting their bid by winning your own tricks. Once the hand is completed either the bidding team will have won or lost and the points will be tallied up accordingly. Only the winning bid team will be allowed to make points towards their game score if they succeed in meeting or exceeding their bet. All other points are tallied in the bonus section of the board. A game is won when a team reaches 100 game points. The bridge match is best two out of three. At the point where a team wins two of the games, all the scores, including the game and bonus scores, are added up to determine the winner.
DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no 'winnings', as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.